PowerShell Brain Candy Challenge
I posted this challenge on the PowerShell Facebook page and Twitter. Below are the varied solutions presented.
If you don’t want to be influenced by others answers, stop here and try to solve the puzzle.
Otherwise, read on.
Thanks to all who took the time solve the challenge.
One cool result about posting PowerShell puzzles is you get to seed the different ways people solve it. Seeing how others go about gives you ideas and adds techniques to your toolbox.
Check it out.
From Facebook
I posted the PowerShell Brain Candy challenge on the Facebook page, here’s what came back.
Brandon Lucas
$j = 0
foreach($i in (1..9)) {
$j = $j*10+$i
write-host "$(" "*(9-$i))$j x " -backgroundcolor white -foregroundcolor black -nonewline
write-host "8" -backgroundcolor white -foregroundcolor red -nonewline
write-host " + $i = $($j*8+$i)$(" "*(9-$i))" -backgroundcolor white -foregroundcolor black
Chris Chisholm
$RunningValue = 0
$MinValue = 1
$MaxValue = 9
$MultipleBy = 8
ForEach ($Count in $MinValue..$MaxValue){
$RunningValue = (($RunningValue * 10) + $Count)
$OutputValue = "{1} x {2} + {0} = {3}" -f $Count, $RunningValue, $MultipleBy, $(($RunningValue * $MultipleBy) + $Count)
$OutputValue.PadLeft((($MaxValue - $Count)) + $OutputValue.Length)
Francis Mercier
for ($i = 1; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
$Currentnumstr = "$Currentnumstr$i"
Write-Host "$($Currentnumstr.PadLeft(9,' ')) x " -NoNewline
Write-Host "8" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " + $i = $([int]$Currentnumstr * 8 + $i)"
Duncan Kirkland
Needs color.
1..9 | %{
"$(' '*(9-$_))$x x 8 + $_ = $($x*8+$_)"
Subhash Konduru
Needs alignment and color.
[int]$i = ($i.tostring() + ($_).tostring())
"$i*8+($_) ="+$i*8+($_)
Aaron Melverton
Needs alignment and color.
1..9 | %{
"$z X 8 + $_ = $($z * 8 + $_)"
From Twitter
I posted the PowerShell Brain Candy challenge on Twitter, here’s what came back.
James Tryand
1..9 | %{
$sb = [text.stringbuilder]::new()}{ [void]$sb.Append($_)
$ws = [string]::Join('',[linq.enumerable]::Repeat(' ',9 - $_))
"$($ws)$($sb.ToString()) x 8 + $_ = $([int]$sb.ToString() * 8 + $_)$($ws)" } | %{
write-host $_.substring(0,12) -b white -f black -NoNewline
write-host $_.substring(12,1) -b white -f red -NoNewline
write-host $_.substring(13) -b white -f black
James O’Neill
Needs a version of PS after v5.1 to support `e[ construct
1..9 | %{
"`e[32m{0,9} x 8 + $_ `e[93m= `e[m$($_+8*$j)"-f $j;$j+=$_+1
Rob Campbell
Needs alignment. First time through line 1 errors, after, it works
rv i,n
"$n x 8 + $i = $(8*$n+$i)"
Mathias Jessen
Needs color.
# 1..9|%{"{0,9} x 8 + $_ = $(8*($a=1..$_-join'')+$_)"-f$a}
1..9 | %{
"{0,9} x 8 + $_ = $(8*($a=1..$_-join'')+$_)" -f $a
Prasoon Karunan V
# $a='';1..9|%{"{0,9} x 8 + $_ = $(8*($a+=$_)+$_)"-f$a}
1..9 | %{
"{0,9} x 8 + $_ = $(8*($a+=$_)+$_)" -f $a
Maximilian Otter
$base = 10
$num = ''
$esc = [char]27
$red = "$esc[31m"
$blue = "$esc[34m"
$reset = "$esc[39m"
for ($i = 1; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
$num = $num + $i
(' ' * ($base-$i-1)) + $num + ' x ' + $red + [string]($base*0.8) + $reset + ' + ' + $blue + $i + $reset + ' = ' + [string]([int32]$num * ($base * 0.8) + $i)
Don Hunt
$series1to9 = '123456789'
$series9to1 = '987654321'
$fmtstring = '{0,9} x 8 + {1} = {2}'
foreach ($n in 1..9) {
$fmtstring -f
Tim Pringle
Needs alignment and color.
$col1 = 1..9 -join ''
$col2 = 9..1 -join ''
$pos = 1
While ($pos -lt ($col1.Length + 1)) {
Write-Output ('{0} x 8 + {2} = {1}' -f $col1.Substring(0, $pos), $col2.Substring(0, $pos), $col1.Substring($pos - 1, 1))
$pos ++
Irwin Strachan
With some class. Needs a version of PS after v5.1 to support the `e[ construct
class BrainCandy{
Hidden $result
Hidden $concatenateNr
BrainCandy ($nr){
$this.Number =$nr
$this.concatenateNr = $(1..$this.Number -join '')
$this.result = $this.calculate()
[Int64] calculate(){
return $(8 * $this.concatenateNr + $this.Number)
[String] ToString(){
return "{0,9} x`e[31m 8`e[39m + {1} = {2} " -f $this.concatenateNr,$this.Number,$this.result
1..9 |