Running PowerShell inside ChatGPT

And the PowerShell Console

Executing PowerShell inside ChatGPT displays its remarkable ability to comprehend and evaluate PowerShell commands for you.

Chat #1

Act as a PowerShell REPL. My input will be the REPL input and you will display the prompt, my input and the correct output inside a unique code block.

$a = 5
$b = 18
($a, $b, ($a+$b), ($a-$b))

Chat #2

Act as a PowerShell REPL. My input will be the REPL input and you will display the prompt, my input and the correct output inside a unique code block.

$d = Get-Date

Introducing the PowerShellAI Module

Unleash the Power of Artificial Intelligence with PowerShell

The PowerShellAI module allows you to interact with OpenAI’s GPT-3 model. It makes API calls to the GPT-3 engine and retrieves the generated text. The Get-GPT3Completion is a command in this module, which allows you to get the text completion for a given prompt.

Get Ahead of the Game

By using this module, you’ll have the ability to add cutting-edge AI functionality to your projects without needing to have a deep understanding of the underlying technology. This means you can stay focused on what you do best while still being able to work with the latest and greatest.

Start Your AI Journey Today


You need to provide an API key for the OpenAI API in order to use the module. You can get an API key for OpenAI by signing up for an OpenAI API account on the OpenAI website ( Once you have created an account, you will be able to generate an API key that can be used to access the GPT-3 API. You will then be able to use this key to authenticate with the API and make requests to the GPT-3 engine.

Set your key to this environment variable:

$env:OpenAIKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"

Install the PowerShellAI Module

Install-Module -Name PowerShellAI

You can also check out the module on GitHub

Demos of Get-GPT3Completion

Here are demos of Get-GPT3Completion posting your request to the OpenAI GPT-3 API and returning the completion:

Description YouTube Video
Quick Demo of PowerShellAI
Using PowerShell with OpenAI GPT in the console with a shortcut key

What it looks like


Get-GPT3Completion "list of planets only names as json"



Get-GPT3Completion "list of planets only names as xml"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

As Markdown

 Get-GPT3Completion "first 5 US presidents and terms as markdown table" > .\
Get-Content .\
| President | Term |
| George Washington | 1789-1797 |
| John Adams | 1797-1801 |
| Thomas Jefferson | 1801-1809 |
| James Madison | 1809-1817 |
| James Monroe | 1817-1825 |

Open the file in VS Code and you get a nice table:

President Term
George Washington 1789-1797
John Adams 1797-1801
Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809
James Madison 1809-1817
James Monroe 1817-1825